Monday, May 19, 2008

Scores and Standings

Well well. Derek and Patrick tied. AGAIN. This is awesome. Who will prevail?
Pittsburgh finally puts the Flyers down. Yay, Philly sucks. Now, Philly has to also weather a firestorm as another scandal rocks the city:

Does anyone else see the similarities between Malkin and Lemieux? And God help me, I'm starting to become a fan of Crosby. He still needs to shave that dirty rat facial hair of his though.

D-man (Capt. Sparrow): 128 (122)
Datsyuk (Det)
Hossa, (Pit) G,A,A,A,W

Stoner: 128 (123)
Zetterberg (Det)
Malkin (Pit) G,W=3
Fleury (Pit) SO=2

Kovalev Jr. (Habsfan1993): 88 (85)
Crosby (Pit) A,A,W=3
Rafalski (Det)

Go Wings: 85 (83)
Gonchar (Pit) A,W=2
Hasek (Det)

Michael Corleone: 73
Lidstrom (Det)

Pittsburgh 4 - Philadelphia 1
Detroit 3 - Dallas 2

Bride of Kovalev (making some mean leftovers): 78 (77)
Whitney (Pit) W=1


Icebuddy said...

I'm petitioning to have shutouts mean more. I was sitting in a bar yesterday watching the Celts, waiting for the Bottom Line to show the Pitt-Philly score. When I saw it was a shutout, I nearly fell on the floor I was so excited. Then stupid Marion Hossa came along and ruined all my hopes and dreams. (sigh) Imagine if M.A. Fleury was here to see his shutout couldn't stop Boss Hoss from overtaking him. He'd be really angry! I mean, he wouldn't do anything, cause he's a gangly Canadian 20-something who up until a few months ago seemed to be suffering from Restless Leg Syndrome, but at the very least he'd be really frustrated!

Icebuddy said...

Oh by the way, about that Celtics game...WOW! Pierce, for the first time in his Celtics career, actually dragged the team to victory without having to shoot 40 FT's. Rondo played a miserable game, Garnett refused to shoot (big surprise...), and Ray Allen's ankles have been turned into Saltines from Doc playing his 40 minutes a game all season. I've never been more certain another team would win, especially when LBJ or Delonte just kept blowing by Pierce and Rondo respectively to get to the line. Obviously, it doesn't look good having to play the Pistons next who match up really well against everyone of our guys except...well...Kendrick Perkins. Hopefully the Pistons chippy play will keep the C's interested all series long, but then again, the Hawks didn't just play Chippy they played "Tyson-y" and we didn't care until Game 7. Oh well, we shall see...