Tuesday, July 15, 2008

They finally went and did it

Kris Draper let his kid take a dump in the Stanley Cup.

In the quest for ever more ridiculous and wacky things to do with the Cup, hockey players have bathed their babies in it, taken it to the tops of mountains, and jumped on trampolines with it. So where do we go from there? Why, we defile it, of course.

Let's not beat around the bush here. Kris Draper let his snot-nosed rugrat kid take a shit in the Holy Grail of hockey. Furthermore, Draper was quoted saying, "We had a pretty good laugh."
Interesting thing, Kris: I don't find that funny at all. Maybe I'll start using Red Wings jerseys to wipe my ass from now on.

1 comment:

Capt. Sparrow said...

I don't see how anyone can find this funny. The Stanley Cup is the coupe de grace of the NHL, filled with so much history, and to take a shit in it is like shitting on all the NHL greats of the past. Howe, Orr, Richard (the rocket), Gretzky, Lemieux, the list is endless. I think the NHL should come down hard on Draper for letting this happen, but of course our ass of a commish wont do jack squat. The Red Wings have just become public enemy # 1 now in my eye because of this retard, and i will be routing for ANY team (yes including Montreal) to be these turds in the finals next year.