Monday, June 22, 2009

Today's award:

The Barry Melrose Trophy:
awarded to the league's most obnoxious douchebag broadcaster

The nominees are:

Mike Emrick

Not a frontrunner, but conspicuous throughout this year's playoffs. As such, he deserves scrutiny when he CANNOT pronounce the names of the players.

Jack Edwards

One of the worst homers in the world of broadcasting. Jack Edwards seems to hear something and then he runs with it, using the same phrase over and over and over again, usually inappropriately, such as saying "he takes the body" when the player in question is actually the one being hit, or just stupidly, as in every single wide shot is a "deliberate" wide shot.

Rick Jeanerette

SCOOOOOORRRRRAAAAAAGHGHGHHHHHHHHH-cough-cough-gasp-wheeze. Simply put, every time the Sabres score, folks think/hope he's going to have a heart attack.

1 comment:

Number31 said...

I love Jeanerette.
Hilarious stuff.
But the Barry Melrose should go to Jack Edwards, douchebag extraordinaire.