Monday, June 29, 2009

Today's award

The Soon-to-be-Named-after-its-First-Recipient Trophy:
Awarded to the team that has no business being in its current location

The nominees are:

The Nashville Predators

Hockey in Tennessee = no fans, and a substantial drain on revenue sharing. This team comes dangerously close to the MINIMUM spending the NHL requires in order to for them to steal money from real times like Montreal, Boston, Toronto, et al. That's right folks. Every time you buy a hat with a B or CH, or a Milan Lucic or Henrik Zetterberg jersey, you're giving money to Nashville.

The Phoenix Coyotes

Gary Bettman's quixotic quest to bring hockey to the desert, and to fans that don't, and never will exist, has been a catastrophe. As above, when you buy merchandise for your original six team, that money gets divvied up by teams you couldn't give a shit about.

The Tampa bay Lightning

What? The Lightning are having attendance problems? I'm shocked. Really. All those fans who came out of the woodwork when they went on that Cup run in 2004, claiming they'd been fans all along, they're not going to games anymore? Inconceivable. But don't you dare call them fair-weather fans, oh no.

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